Marketing is often an overcomplicated dart-throwing exercise where marketing "gurus" and agencies toss ideas against a wall, hoping something impacts a metric the business owner cares about. That's why many roofing companies stick to word-of-mouth or door-to-door sales.
The reality is that marketing your business is necessary to stand out in a crowded industry and unleash your business's full potential.
Building a reputable and respected brand will allow you to protect your business from the next guy who knocks on your customer's door while creating a reliable flow of business for those seasons when the storms just don't come.
At RAES, we understand that marketing can often feel like a complex and uncertain endeavor. You risk burning up cash and wasting time and energy with the wrong leads.
But marketing doesn't have to be a guessing game. To succeed with your marketing efforts, you need a strategy that aligns with your vision. RAES can help you achieve that alignment. Whether you are just getting started or want to evaluate your current efforts, we can help you craft a strategy that highlights your business' unique purpose and allows you to move forward with confidence.
I founded RAES out of a deep passion for helping roofing contractors succeed. I understand the unique opportunities of the industry, as well as its many challenges because I’ve lived them.
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